Below you’ll find the most frequently asked questions on how to cancel a purchase or sale transaction placed with Kitco. You’ll also find more information about the cancellation fees that may be applicable to you.
When you cancel a purchase, in addition to paying a $50 administrative fee, you may have to reimburse Kitco for any market loss we sustain as a result of the cancellation of your purchase. If there is no change or an increase in price from the time you make your purchase to the time it is cancelled, you will be charged only the $50 administrative fee. However, if we do sustain a market loss (i.e. if the price of the precious metals you were purchasing falls below the price at which you agreed to purchase them), you will be charged as illustrated by the following examples.
Unit price of your transaction | Unit price at the time of cancellation | Quantity | Loss or gain (unit price difference multiplied by quantity) | Market loss repayment | |
Example 1 | $1000.00 | $980.00 | 10 oz | ($980 - $1000) x 10 = -$200 | $200.00 |
Example 2 | $1000.00 | $1050.00 | 10 oz | ($1050 - $1000) x 10 = +$500 | $0.00 |
If your purchase is cancelled at your request before the payment deadline, the market loss will be calculated using the relevant Kitco live spot price that prevails at the time when you request the cancellation.
Kitco will issue multiple payment reminders before cancelling your purchase. If your purchase is cancelled due to non-payment, the market loss will be calculated using the last available price fixing published by the London Bullion Market Association (the London PM Fix) on the day that the payment deadline expires.
Any market loss repayment and administrative fees that you owe may be charged to your credit card. We will send you an email to notify you of the charge.
Your payment must be received by Kitco no later than three business days from the date on which a price is confirmed for your purchase.
If we do not receive your payment by this deadline, Kitco may deem your purchase to be cancelled and you may be liable for market loss repayments and other fees, as described in our Terms and Conditions.
If you expect your payment to be delayed, please call 1 877 775-4826 or 514 313-9999 to have this fact noted on your account.
Transactions wherein you undertake to sell physical product to Kitco will be cancelled after 10 business days of their price being confirmed if we do not receive the product that you undertake to sell to us.
When you cancel a sale, in addition to paying a $50 administrative fee, you may have to reimburse Kitco for any market loss we sustain as a result of the cancellation of your sale. If there is no change or a decrease in price from the time you make your sale to the time it is cancelled, you will be charged only the $50 administrative fee. However, if we do sustain a market loss (i.e. if the price of the precious metals you were selling rises above the price at which you agreed to sell them), you will be charged as illustrated by the following examples.
Unit price of your transaction | Unit price at the time of cancellation | Quantity | Loss or gain (unit price difference multiplied by quantity) | Market loss repayment | |
Example 1 | $1000.00 | $950.00 | 10 oz | ($1000 - $950) x 10 = +$500 | $0.00 |
Example 2 | $1000.00 | $1020.00 | 10 oz | ($1000 - $1020) x 10 = -$200 | $200.00 |
If your sale is cancelled at your request before the shipment deadline, the market loss will be calculated using the relevant Kitco live spot price that prevails at the time when you request the cancellation.
Kitco will issue multiple shipment reminders before cancelling your sale. If your sale is cancelled by Kitco, the market loss will be calculated using the last available price fixing published by the London Bullion Market Association (the London PM Fix) on the day that the deadline for receiving your precious metals expires.
Any market loss repayment and administrative fees that you owe may be charged to your credit card. We will send you an email to notify you of the charge.
Yes, you can cancel a sale of scrap metal after confirming a price for it. However it will be subject to cancellation charges. For more information, see our FAQ on the Scrap Cancellation Policy
Market loss repayments and administrative fees are applied under the following conditions:
Kitco will attempt to contact you three times by phone and at least once by email (if we have your email address on file) to inform you of the fees before you are charged.